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    Shin-guards Explained

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    Field Hockey Shin guards are the most important piece of field hockey equipment you will choose after you have chosen your field hockey stick. Due to the nature of the game of field hockey, your shins are the one area of your body that needs to be protected the most. This is why your shin guards need to be chosen well.

    As a Hockey Coach, I am often asked by parents and players can use soccer/football shin guards the short answer to that is yes you can but it is recommended that you don't for the following reasons-

    1. Field Hockey Shin guards are thicker with more padding due to the smaller size of the ball.

    2. Soccer/football shin guards are lighter and made from lighter plastic.

    3. Field Hockey Shinguards mold is better for your legs.


    So what are you looking for when choosing a Field Hockey Shinguard, well it is pretty simple really, you are looking for

    1. Shin guards that have hard plastic so you can mold to your shin's

    2. You want them to be comfortable against your shins with soft foam on the inside.

    3. You want them to protect from just below your knee to your ankle (See picture below)

    Where Shin guards Fit

    Fig 1:Shinguard Fitting Guide


    Sizing your Shin guards

    So you're about to buy your Field Hockey Shinguards and you want to know what size you need, this sizing chart should help you to work it out

    Shingurads sizes

    Fig 2- Field Hockey Shin Guard Size Chart

    Wearing your Shin guards

    With your field hockey shin guards you need to wear them so they give you maximum protection, and Field Hockey Sticks USA recommends that you follow the steps below when putting on your Field Hockey Shinguards-

    1. Put on a thin pair of socks or shin guard inner socks first to protect your legs and absorb any moisture.

    2. Place your shin guards over the top of the thin pair of socks or shin guard inner socks.

    3. Put your socks over the top of the shin guards and adjust as needed.

    4. Place your field hockey shoes on and make any final adjustments as needed.

    Measuring Hockey Shin Guards

    1. Measure the Shin Length: Sit down and bend your leg at a 90-degree angle. Use a tape measure to measure the distance from just below your knee to the top of your ankle bone. This measurement will give you the length of shin guards you need.

    2. Consider Coverage: Shin guards should cover most of the shin bone, ideally extending from just below the knee to above the ankle.

    3. Check Sizing Charts: Most manufacturers provide sizing charts. Compare your measurement with the chart to find the right size.

    4. Ensure a Comfortable Fit: The shin guard should fit snugly but not be too tight. It should also allow for some movement without slipping.

    Remember, proper sizing is crucial for effective protection and comfort while playing field hockey.

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