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    Hockey Coaching Drills

    On this page, we will be adding different Coaching Drills or Game Skills Practices that you can try with your team at your training. The key with any Coaching Drill or Game Skills Practice is it must be relevant to the game and must challenge your players above and beyond what they would expect in a game. 

    Drill 1: The Passing Pin-wheel

    Drill 1: The Pin-wheel

    This drill is designed to help with:

    • Fast passing and movement 
    • The inner-circle move in a clockwise direction
    • The outer circle move in an anti-clockwise direction

    My recommendation is to start with a close small circle for passing and gradually as they get good to expand the circle. You could also look to introduce a second Field Hockey Ball as they get more confident.


    Drill 2: Switching Flow Through

    Flow-through drills or Game Skills Practices in training are very good, for working on multiple elements in the game, here is one such flow through I have used in training to great effect-

    Flow through Drill

    Drill 2: Switching Flow through

    The objective of this flow-through is to get your players thinking about switching the play and defending the switching of play. In addition to that, it will also help them focus on-

    • Thinking during a game
    • Getting their eyes up and watching and scanning the pitch in front of them

    This a Flow-through that can be run down both the left and right side of the field and it is recommended that once they pick up what's required that you do that.


    Once again these are the first two drills or game skills practice, further drills or game skills practice will be added over the coming weeks and months.