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    Coaching Tips & Video's

    • In this section, we provide coaching tips, videos, and resources to help you out with your coaching or to help you as a player take your game to the next level. Enjoy

     If there is something you would particularly like to see then please get in touch with

    Hockey Coaching Drills

    Check out the Hockey Coaching Drills  page we have just added two new drills for you to try in training the-

    More drills will follow over the coming weeks and months on the Hockey Coaching Drills so come back regularly to check it out.


    How to Structure Your Training

    Check out the How to Structure your Training page to get some help on structuring your training over the course of the season.

    Coaching Tips: Dynamic Stretching

    Check out the Coaching Tips on the importance of Dynamic Stretching before training and games.

    Coaching Philosophy & Game Plan

    Check out the link to the article above on the importance as a coach of developing your coaching philosophy which will then underpin your game plans.